Saturday, August 28, 2010

Boy meets world? Think again. Jen meets Kelly!

It was just the other day- August 25th. I'm sitting in our 5th Ave building around 4:00 pm waiting for my 4:20 Retailing class to start. I wasn't being entertained at the moment, so I decided to check what the Twitter world has been up to. Scrolling through, I see a tweet from "@peoplesrev" (Kelly Cutrone) saying "Tonight Washing Square Park 6pm - open talk we meet at the Arch - see you soon - this is going to be fun".. my jaw pretty much dropped. I realized my class ended at 5:50 and I could actually go! The entire class I was fidgeting and ready to get out of there and head 30 blocks down. It was time- I arrived at the park and waited.
A camera guy was going around interviewing people for.. who knows what. Once Kelly arrived with her assistant and her intern, everyone obviously crowded around, and I was fortunate enough to end up right in front of her, next to her camera guy. She spoke to us, a crowd of maybe.. 150.. all about her book, suggestions for her new book, random stories, stuff like that. When she asked us if we had suggestions or what we liked about her previous book, of course I raised my hand to get my word out there. Her camera guy ended up filming me as well when I was speaking directly to the fashion woman herself.
"Going on from your previous idea, I wanted you to know it truly is nice to know that you can be successful coming from practically nothing. I came from Ohio to come to fashion school..."
and then there was a uproar from a few people in the crowd saying "meee toooo!" I never knew that many Ohioans moved to New York City until that moment. I continued with "and I was wondering if you were going to talk about your past again?" She said "Do you want me to?" and the crowd told her yes. We stood under the arch discussing things, and she chimes in with "OH, by the way, you're all going to fashion week." We stand there with confused looks as in "is she serious?" "We're going to e-mail the tickets to you. We'll make sure we right down your names and e-mails." The energy level in the air rose a few more notches after that.
She ordered pizzas for all of us, and we sat on the ground to eat it and continue the discussion. Then some random guy started mumbling after he rose his hand. Nobody could understand him, but once he started talking more, we realized it was racial comments. Kelly goes "Ohhh no. We can't have this here. I give you to the count of three to get out of here. 1...2...3." Once he didn't move, she got up and went over to talk to him. Everybody that was there took their cameras and started snapping pictures and recording since they were seeing her in action, just as her reputation is. He still wouldn't budge, but luckily there were two cops that happened to stroll in as this happened. They escorted him away. Once she came back, everyone cheered and she mentioned that he must have been a hospital patient. The talk continued until around 9:30 when everybody stood up and formed two mass crowds- one around Kelly to get pictures/autographs/speak with her, and one around her assistant and intern who took down names and e-mails for the fashion show ticket for fashion week. I picked Steven's (assistant) line and he got my information.
I started talking to some FIT girls, a Louisiana girl who moved here to work at CBS, and another amazing gay man who is a stylist. We all chatted it up as we waited for our turn to talk to Kelly. The line dwindled down to just a few of us, so we moved out of Washington Park to down the street near the NYU dorms. There's about 6 of us remaining and it's around 10:30-11 at night. I continue to talk to Steven and Kelly's assistant, then we move locations once again. We started walking through SoHo, and we passed a bar as a man screamed "HEY" out the window. Kelly backs up in her tracks, looks at him and goes "...Do you scream at everyone like that or what?" and walks away. So yes, everyone, she really is as real as she is on TV, and this proves it.
We get to Broadway in SoHo and she said her goodbyes to the three of us that were left and I got a quick picture with her. "Can I be a super-fan and ask you for a picture?" She said "sure!" and we snapped a picture and we hugged goodbye.
I hung out with Brenden, the amazing gay guy, and walked around SoHo a little bit before catching a cab together. This girl Chelsea walked with us too, and mentioned something about "10:45 tomorrow morning." I asked her what she was talking about, and she said "I have an interview tomorrow!" Not only did she score an interview at People's Revolution, two others did as well. JUST for showing up to the event and talking to Kelly about their aspirations. Too bad I'm only 18 or I would have asked for an interview too- but I did give my resume to her assistant and got his e-mail so I can volunteer for fashion week. I'm praying he e-mails me back.

So that was my night. 7 hours of non-stop Kelly and finding out that she truly is the reason I am in this industry. The most real "celebrity" on television that I have come across and gotten to know in a short amount of time. Thank you, New York, for giving me the time of my life.. and this is only the beginning.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Ready for fall?

For the first assignment in my Fashion Fundamentals class, we had to compare and contrast two retail stores. I headed downtown to 5th Ave. today to see what I could find. Of course, I was drawn to H&M- one of my favorites! I could buy that entire store. Little did I know, I would actually only buy one item this time.. and it was the best purchase in this city yet! Here it is below:

It's a poncho!
It comes in three different colors- the beige shown in the picture, grey, and black. Everyone that knows me knows that I only love to wear one color in this world, and it's black. Price point, you may ask? $19.95! & not to mention in New York, it stays that price. No tax. That's a major bonus I still have yet to get used to since I've moved here.

Go in for an assignment, come out with a new fall coat. Needless to say, I am very excited for the chilly weather to head my way in the city.

Monday, August 23, 2010

This year's hot item!

Hey everyone, I hope your kick start to the new school year has been amazing! I know mine has!
..But a new school year should always equal a new bag to snag, right? I've found the perfect one. It is pictured below.

A canvas tote bag by one of my favorite legacies in fashion, Marc JacobsNot only is the 47-year-old designer adored and looked upon by all fashionistas and divas of the world, he is the fashion icon of the century.. (and he sure knows how to rock it!)

This tote comes in cute colors that can match any outfit.. such as pink, green, blue, and especially black. It's very light weight, which makes it easy to carry around no matter where you go- in the city or not. It's not too big, yet not too small, which is wonderful for carrying books from class to class or just a walk around town. Best part about this bag? It's only 15 dollars. 15 DOLLARS. Just a perfect way to show off a talented designer's work without breaking the bank.

This bag is only available at the Marc by Marc Jacobs store in the village in New York City, so go over and get yours! Let's make it a great school year!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Kickoff to a true blog.

So I've decided that this blog should probably be turned into a legit fashion blog, where I discover up and coming designers trying to make it into the business. I met this girl on twitter, (@LornaRaindrops) who has her own blog and she is phenomenal! She's definitely my inspiration and has an amazing blog. She blogs about designers' work, and even her own personal style intertwined in there. She's even done interviews for magazines over in London. She's great! I will hopefully be an up and coming success as she is, but I can't do it alone. Please check back on here and try to get the word out about my blog! I will start this up with real fashion blogging soon, probably within the week. :)

Check out Lorna's blog!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Polyvore'n It Up.

I recently discovered a fashion blog site, Polyvore. It is where I can finally put my styling to use and make up sets and collections from multiple pieces of clothing. I love it & have spent so much time on that website already. So please keep up with my work! Check it out!

PIECE # 1-

PIECE # 2-

PIECE # 3-

PIECE # 4-

PIECE # 5-



I will keep putting the links on here as I make more pieces :)