Monday, October 4, 2010

"Beauty in the Breakdown" photoshoot

For my school's styling club, I had to do a photoshoot to put in my portfolio! I wanted to base the theme off of Mencius' theory "human nature is good." In his essay, he mentions how a mountain, Ox Mountain, was once beautiful, but all the trees were torn down. Everybody perceived that since the trees are gone, then the beauty must be gone. I chose the theme "Beauty in the Breakdown" to showcase how beautiful places really have been at one point by contrasting with my outfits. I tried showing that beauty truly is in its nature. The photos aren't all black and white now, but I will edit them later to get my point even more across. If you have any editing suggestions, let me know!

It was such a blast, and I loved being the model. My best friend Kathryn and I were partners for this project, and the photography credit goes to another classmate, Veronica Gonzalez. I cannot wait to showcase my portfolio at an event the club will be putting together! Here are some of the shots.

Kathryn, trying to demonstrate poses

I hope you liked them. :)

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