Sunday, October 3, 2010

Taking a break from Fashion..

God took the lives of two Medina boys this weekend, on separate occasions. I've gone to high school all throughout the four years with them, and they were both from my graduating class.

Jake Brich was the victim of a car accident at 4 am on Saturday, October 2nd. I only "hung out" with him once but saw him around constantly. I'll never forget that time dancing in my best friend Dana's car as we went to Denny's at 2 am. He was constantly making people laugh.

Thomas McGurk passed away last night due to a car accident as well in Kentucky, where he went to college. A couple summers ago he gave me his number but it was really the police department. I freakkeddd when I called. (ahh, what a prankster.) Many IM's as well. Then junior year in Language Arts we took pictures while we were supposed to be reading. Such an amazing class, and such an amazing person.

only memories.

I woke up to two text messages and a missed call this morning all to report this unbelievable news. This proves that life really is too short, and to remember not to make little mistakes that could possibly cost your life. My dear friend Jessica Schaffer lost her life in a car accident in December 2008 as well, and I have never been able to forget it. These boys will never be forgotten. and if anyone from the class of 2010 is reading this right now, please shoot me a text so I can tell you everything will be okay. The memories live on, boys. You'll forever be missed.

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