Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter!!

I actually don't celebrate Easter, but I do have something special for everyone!! My matte top coats from Manglaze still haven't arrived >:(  so I decided to do something completely different from what I originally had in mind. I saw this somewhere and decided to try it myself.

BAM! Rainbow leopard! The base is 2 coats of OPI Alpine Snow, then I used Konad black stamping polish with the leopard print from the M57 plate. To color in all the spots I took various colors that I had and took that wooden cuticle pusher thingy and dipped the pointy part into the polish and just filled in each spot. I thought about buying those nail art polishes with the special brushes, but I honestly just didn't want to spend the money. You don't even need them, the cuticle pusher does the job just fine. After all that was done I did a top coat of Seche Vite and that's it!. Pretty simple, right? A little time consuming, but relatively easy. Oh, you should definitely enlarge the picture to get a better view. 

It's pretty festive, kind of goes with Easter. Also I saw the movie African Cats yesterday and it was so amazing. Seriously. This is kind of an homage to that. Go see it. Really. 

I hope you all have a Happy Easter / continuation of Passover!

Until next time,
The Wicked

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