Sunday, April 24, 2011

PhD program for Hollywood Actor James Franco

JAMES Franco is enrolling in his second doctorate program.

“James Franco was scheduled to enter the PhD program in Literature and Creative Writing in Fall 2011, but he requested a deferral for an additional year, which the faculty granted, so he is now scheduled to begin doctoral work here in fall 2012,” said a University of Houston spokesman.

The 127 Hours star, 33, received his undergraduate degree from UCLA in June 2008 and an MFA degree in writing from Columbia in 2010. He’s studied filmmaking at NYU as is currently pursuing a PhD in English from Yale.

“I love school… I go to school because I love being around people who are interested in what I’m interested in, and I’m having a great experience,” Franco said.

James Franco who has been dating actress Ahna O’Reilly since April 2006 and has long faced rumors about his sexuality recently criticized the press for being “black-and-white.”

“It’s all cut-and-dry identity politics. ‘Is he straight or is he gay?’ Or, ‘This is your third gay movie come out already!’” he said. “And all based on… the idea that your object of affection decides your sexuality.

“There are lots of other reasons to be interested in gay characters than wanting myself to go out and have sex with guys.

“I’ve played a gay man who’s living in the 60s and 70s, a gay may who we depicted in the 50s, and one being in the 20s. And those were all periods when to be gay, at least being gay in public, was much more difficult.”

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