Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Show Me How You Burlesque!

Cher & Aguilera, stars of "Burlesque"
Christina Aguilera has really transformed over the years. In the beginning of her singing days, she was known as the "Dirrty" girl with somewhat skimpy outfits. Now, she is one of the most classy women on the red carpet. Aguilera has had amazing outfits and always changes up the style of her signature blonde hair. She is really taking her career to a new level lately, as well. The new big screen musical film, Burlesque, stars her and legendary singer, Cher. These two end up being a dynamic duo in the movie when Christina's character, Ali, is discovered in a burlesque club in Los Angeles.

Christina has transformed from this...
...to this.
For a tribute to Aguilera and her new step in her career, I decided to record myself on GarageBand singing a clip of one of her old songs, "Hurt." Give it a listen and let me know what you think! The legendary singer has one incredible voice that certainly cannot be topped.

credit: Google images, burlesquethemovie.com

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