Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Halloween 2010

I must say, being in the city for Halloween is more entertaining than I thought it would be. In the morning, I was in Staten Island and woke up to trick-or-treaters at the door. Apparently New Yorkers trick-or-treat all day.. not back in Ohio! We have a set time- 6-8PM to go around the neighborhood. How weird how different the world is over here..
The girls and I decided to go to the parade in the Village and then the festival, yet couldn't find the exact location of both. On the way though, we saw some amazing costumes. Monsters, clowns, bloody brides, Peewee Herman, Transformers, etc. Every costume imaginable took over the subway systems and Union Square. Fashion was a big part of that night, and just seeing all the different costumes was better than watching the parade anyway. To top off my night, I stayed tuned to the live event of my favorite show, Ghost Hunters. Great night, none the less. I hope everyone else's Halloween was just as fabulous as mine!

Rachel (Minnie Mouse), Me (a hippie), Kathryn, (a firefighter chick)

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