Friday, September 2, 2011

MAC Brush Cleaner Review

Yesterday I bought the MAC Brush Cleaner because I was in desperate need of one. I poured some of the cleaner in a little container and then dipped each brush in for about 2-3 seconds. Then I ran each brush back and forth in a paper towel to get rid of the color. 
After, cleaning them with the cleaner, I washed them again with shampoo and water. ( I did this extra step because it was time for a good wash and wanted to see if the cleaner really worked).To my surprise there was still color in the brushes especially the ones I had used dark colors with. 
This cleaner is good to get rid of the color and disinfect your brushes quickly. I think it's great for personal use however, for make-up artist something stronger is needed. I will definitely stick to my previous post about me loving the Dante brush cleaner, however it is very hard to find because it's a professional cleaner. But you can get it from the MUD store in Soho, NY or try ordering it online at Trust me if you try this you will understand and see the difference. 

Until next time, 
The Wicked 

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