Thursday, October 27, 2011

OPI Spookettes decals 2!

So I wanted to show you guys some of the other decals that came with Spookettes. Oh and sorry if anything is blurry and about the glare, it's cloudy and rainy and dark here, so I needed flash.

This is the spider, I did a black v looking tip, kind of like they show on the back of the Spookettes box.

Now this I found funny. Something OPI must have not thought about. You'll probably have to enlarge this to see what I'm talking about. So, this is the decal that says "trick or treat", and when you look at it on the paper, that's exactly what it said. But whoever thought of this didn't realize that when you transfer the decal onto your nail it comes out backwards! So all the words are backwards! Slight oops by OPI on this one. It's pretty funny actually.

I didn't use the bat ones yet, I really like them and think I want to save them for a mani that I'll actually keep on for a while.

Until next time,
The Wicked

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