Saturday, May 7, 2011

Hollywood Actor Keanu Reeves wanted for Warner Bros. Akira

Warner Bros. are reportedly set to move ahead with their planned live action version of the beloved anime Akira and are talking to Keanu Reeves about playing Kaneda.

In the classic anime, Kaneda is the motorbike gang leader who tries to help his friend when Tetsuo becomes part of a dangerous experiment that threatens Neo-Tokyo.

However, the road to getting the film made has been a long and arduous affair with multiple drafts and more than one big name including James Franco, Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Robert Pattinson have had their names in the hat for playing one of the two lead roles.

It remains to be seen whether this is a good idea no matter who appears in it after the abysmal Dragonball and other attempts at bring iconic animus to life on the big screen, but at least Reeves has a little experience in big action epics.

As for Reeves, he was last seen in Malcolm Venville's comedy Henry's Crime alongside Hollywood great James Caan and Source Code's Vera Farmiga.

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