Friday, May 6, 2011

Milani Jewel FX Gold

This is one the polishes that I featured on on of my the girl on a budget posts....Milani Jewel FX Gold!

Awesome? Yes. So, this polish has a clear base with lots of large hexagonal gold sequins. Love it. This took 3 coats. Sometimes the sequins clump together and take a little longer to spread out, so for full coverage like I have here you have to make sure to move the sequins around. Also, make sure each coat dries (mostly) before applying another coat otherwise it will get clumpy. After the three coats of Gold, I did a coat of Seche Vite to smooth everything out. Some nails will end up smoother than others, depending on how flat you get the sequins to lay on the nail.

A word of warning to all, if you like to chip and pick at your nail polish, this will probably cause a problem for you. I'm a chipper by nature and after a few days I really couldn't help but start chipping all my nails, especially because glitter/ sequin polishes don't always lay smooth and they are so easy to chip off! So, just be weary of that if you want to try this polish. Also, it is pretty annoying to remove. Since it's not actual polish its difficult to remove with nail polish remover and the sequins get everywhere, so chipping might just be easier lol

Until next time,
The Wicked

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