Monday, August 29, 2011

Quick Smokey Eye

You'll Need:

Creamy black eye pencil- get a kohl pencil because it's soft and will be easy to smudge. 

Metallic or shimmery grey shadow- Try a medium grey, to avoid any raccoon looking eyes. A medium grey will be soft yet will still look smokey (you can always build the color). 

Eyeshadow Brush- get a soft brush that will make it easy to blend

Black Mascara-  This will add a more dramatic effect and will give you stronger eyes. 

Now let's begin:

Line your eyes- Line the top lid with a thick line, making sure to get as close to your lashes as possible. Draw the line in short strokes to give yourself some control. Next, line the bottom of your eyes, wiggle the pencil between the lashes. Now smudge both lines with a cotton swab.

Time for the eyeshadow- Start at the outer corner of your eye and then apply it across your lid in quick flicks. It should be darker the closer you get to your lashes. 

Blend- Blend the eyeshadow a little above your crease with the eyeshadow already on your brush. Also sweep your brush softly under you bottom lashes to give it a more smokey effect.  To add more depth darken the color on your lids. Once you have achieved the color you want apply several coats of mascara to the top lashes, and lightly apply some mascara to your bottom lashes. 

Until next time, 
The Wicked

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