Friday, August 12, 2011

LA Girls Groupie

Our nailtastic week continues with the continuation of my LA Girls haul.


Groupie, three coats. It is very similar to Punk (click for that post) in the formula and finish. It has a purple base like you see in the picture and also has lots of that foily shimmer/glitter. In the bottle it looks purple that flashes pink, but on the nails you don't see much pink. If you enlarge the pictures you'll be able to see the pink. 

In the sun most of that pink is gone and it goes from purple to blue. You can see the metallicy, foiliness of it here. 

The formula is pretty much exactly like Punk, maybe a little more sheer. It also has a tendency to pick up a little too much polish, so be aware of that. Overall, its a good polish for a good price. No complaints. I do suggest a top coat for all LA Girls polishes because they do tend to dull.

Until next time,
The Wicked

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