Monday, November 21, 2011

Selena Gomez Little Sister Taylor Swift Never Had?

Giving her best friend, Selena Gomez, the ultimate compliment during her acceptance speech at the American Music Awards, Taylor Swift calls Selena, "...the little sister I never had."
What a super sweet thing to say to the whole world about your BFF!

Taylor Swift, 21, had to be feeling quite giddy after winning Artist of the Year. Sitting by Gomez, 19, throughout the show, the two friends are clearly close. Do they truly think of each other as sisters?

With all the things that must have been going on in her mind while standing up on the stage at that exciting moment, it was really meaningful for Taylor Swift to bring up her friend, Selena Gomez, who is going through quite a bit in her personal life right now with stalker stress and boyfriend baby scandals. Surely, Swift's kind words gave Gomez comfort during this time.

By saying, "I love you, Selena...", during what may be the one of the most heard and most important speeches of her young life, Taylor Swift told the world just how close she and Selena Gomez really aresister close.

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