Monday, November 14, 2011

Your Guide to Glitter!

So I completely forgot that I had to post today! Hah. Silly me. So sadly, I don't have anything really productive to show you, so how about we just talk about my new obsession, GLITTER!! 

As I'm writing this and very much rambling about nothing, I got the idea for Your Guide to Glitter! There are so many different types, shapes and sizes and they come in a million different bases. Clear bases, jelly bases, sheer bases, creme bases...anything and everything. 
Here are some types of glitter:

1. Holographic- This kind of glitter can be any shape or size. The thing that makes it holographic is that it is a multichrome and flashes all the wonderful colors of the rainbow.  

2. Flakie- Flakies are larger pieces/ particles that are usually duochrome or multichrome. They are also very organically shaped, not round or perfectly cut out like normal glitter. I love love love flakies. 

3. Micro glitter- This is super tiny glitter that you can find pretty much anywhere. You can have a polish that is just micro glitter, or you can have it mixed in with larger glitter. 

4. Shimmer- This is super super super fine glitter that is mixed in to colored polishes.

5. Bar glitter- This is glitter that is shaped like bars or strings, usually holographic. Bar glitter polishes have been popping up a lot lately and I love them.

How I love glitter...

Until next time,
The Wicked

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