Sunday, January 23, 2011

OPI Unripened!

I really really liked this color, but it was harder to capture than I thought it would be.

So here, you can see that is has this dark greenish tint, which it from the glitter in the polish. The glitter is pretty hard to see. In person, you can see it up close and it changes from green to blue to purple, depending on the light.

Here, you can see that from far away it just looks black. It is the same in person, you can really only see the glitter if you look really close. Its actually really pretty up close and I wish it was more visible on camera. 
You can kind of see the purple in this picture.

Other than my camera issues, or whatever it was, this color was really nice. In the pictures I have a base coat and 3 coats of polish AND a top coat. I took these pictures after 4 days or so and even with 5 coats of polish on, it hadn't started to chip. The formula, like the rest, was really good and it covered really well. Actually, when the polish is wet the glitter is much more prominent. But what can you do, right? Overall, the whole Go Goth collection is great and I'll be putting the last color up soon!

Until next time,
The Wicked

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