Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Bad Skin Habits

Skipping Suncreen
The best way to protect your skin from getting wrinkled, saggy or from dark spots is by using sunscrren. You should use a sunscreen with SPF 30. This will protect you from UVA and UVB rays. 

Smoking will also damage your skin and you will develop deeper wrinkles and blotchier skin. 

Picking the Wrong Products
Oily skin should use a cleanser with salicylic acid and fight shine with an oil-free lotion. 
Sensitive skin should use a creamy cleanser such as Cetaphil Gentle Skin. Try using fragrance-free moisturizers and sunscreens. 
Dry Skin should use a moisturizer with trehalose, which will help prevent tightness. As for anti-aging  creams try one with retinol or with kinetin. 

Ignoring the Neck and Chest 
You should also take care of your neck and chest as you do your face because these areas are always exposed. This is why sometimes you see women with nice skin in their face then saggy skin on their neck. So moisturize and apply sunscreen. 

Using Dirty Brushes
I know I have mentioned this before but you have to clean your brushes. If you don't wash them they will be filled with bacteria which will get on your skin. Wash them  gently at least once a month with shampoo or baby shampoo. 

Until Next Next, 
The Wicked

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