Monday, May 2, 2011

Tips For Doing Your Nails

I obviously do my nails all the time, and I thought I'd share some tips for your doing your nails at home.

1. Never paint all the way to the cuticle
This is one of the most important tricks to doing your own nails, and most people don't know about it! Always leave some space between your cuticle and where the polish starts. It looks much cleaner and it makes removing the polish ten times easier!

2. Check your nail polishes!
Always make sure the polish you want to use isn't goopy. Sometimes polishes get very thick if they haven't been closed tightly, or just because they're old. These polishes are harder to spread and they get sticky and they take FOREVER to dry. So, always check your polishes before using them. If they look thicker or stickier than usual, you may have to get nail polish thinner or throw that sucker out.

3. Dry time
Make sure you leave enough time for your nails to dry! I can't even begin to count the number of times I've misjudged the dryness of my nails and smudged them. Always make sure your nails are dry, especially if you have more than 1 coat of polish on. The more coats, the longer the dry time. This is when top coats like Seche Vite work their miracles.

4. Don't stress!
It's frustrating when you do one hand perfectly, and the other hand not so much. It's easy to stress out and feel like you need to be ambidextrous when you paint your nails, but you don't. It just takes a little bit of practice. Set aside some time where you can do your nails and not have to worry about rushing out the door and you'll probably have an easier time.

5. The right tools make all the difference!
It's very true. Good cotton balls or cotton rounds will make a world of difference when removing polish. That and good nail polish remover will make your life so much easier! Also, good nail polishes and top coats (especially) won't chip as easily and your manicure will last longer!

Until next time,
The Wicked

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