Wednesday, November 9, 2011

elf cosmetics palettes, cream liner & eyeshadow

elf studio palettes

Both of these palettes have very nice colors. One of them as you can see has more natural shades that are better for evey day wear. The other palette has birghter colors that can be fun to wear. Most if the colors are shimmery or have a satin finish. 

elf cream eyeliner & black matte eyeshadow 

 Cream eyeliner

So the cream eyeliner is very smooth and really black, which I was impressed with. It's definitely darker than MAC Blacktrack. However, I wore the elf one once and it started smudging throughout the day. I only had a top line and the liner got all over the bottom, so I haven't wore it since because it got my eye black at the bottom. However, I will use it again this weekend and let you guys know how it goes,

I was actually expecting this eyeshadow to be darker. In the swatch above there are like 3 layers of the eyeshadow. But with one layer it is very light. However, I have many black eyeshadows from name brands and they are also no as opaque as I would like them to.  Therefore, I have to build the color. My favorite black is from Urban Decay. 

Until next time, 
The Wicked

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