Thursday, May 5, 2011

The best and worst summer flicks hollywood is coming, for better or worse

The summer of 2011 will bring some strange things to movie theaters:

Cowboys on horseback shot at by space ships.

Little blue men on a mission.

And Captain Jack Sparrow in pursuit of a mermaid.

But despite the oddities of the coming movie season, there's a cornucopia of films coming that will undoubtedly include some gems, some bombs and many, many movies somewhere in the middle.

Best Bets:

"Priest," with Paul Bettany. This tale of a retired priest who's been a veteran vampire hunter just looks fascinating in previews, and Bettany is one of the best action actors around.

"Larry Crowne," with Tom Hanks as a fired worker who goes to get a college degree, with Julia Roberts as his downer of a teacher. Hanks is perfect for his role as a positively upbeat guy who turns his teacher's world around.

"Bad Teacher" is about just that, but Cameron Diaz looks perfect as a shallow teach trying to win a contest and a rich suitor played by Justin Timberlake.

Could she recapture the crazy comedy of "Something About Mary"?

"Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2" just has to end the series with a bang. The young actors have grown--literally and figuratively--and the story itself has everything you'd want to finish an epic series.

"The Help" has a great cast and is one of the most popular books of our time. Emma Stone and Viola Davis should become bigger names after this tale of African-American maids.

"Green Lantern" looks to be the best of the summer's comic-book flicks, a list that includes "Thor," an "X-Men" sequel, "Captain America: The First Avenger" and more.

"Lantern" has the appealing Ryan Reynolds, and previews have included some very cool special effects.

"Something Borrowed" has Kate Hudson as the spoiled gal she plays so well, and the under-appreciated Gennifer Goodwin as the friend she takes advantage of--this time, taking her man.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part-2 New Trailer:

Pirates of The Caribbean 4: On Stranger Tides New Trailer

Priest New Trailer

Harry Potter Emma Watson Unseen Hot Videos

Harry Potter Emma Watson Unseen Hot Pictures

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