Thursday, May 5, 2011

iPad 3 Feature Details: To Offer 3D Display?

It’s never too early to start iPad 3 rumors. The general assumption is that it will not release until next year. Since iPhone 5‘s release date is delayed, who knows if the next iPad will release this year? RCR Wireless (via Macrumors) is reporting it will offer 3D display!

“The fact that the iPad 3 is 3D is a dead cert, one Hollywood insider close to the big movie studios told RCR, adding that the screen would be the real magic. She went on to say that the big film studios were currently running around like blue arsed flies trying to gear up to release plenty of 3D content in time for Apple’s next launch.”

Considering the next iPad would be iPad 3, wouldn’t it timely to offer 3D and call it iPad 3D instead? This is Apple’s response to the fast surging 3D market. And no, this isn’t a response to the 3DS which pretty much bombed.

3D would be really awesome on the iPad since the screen size is a lot bigger than the 3DS. The effects would be much improved. How about you? What do you think of iPad 3D?

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