Saturday, March 24, 2012

First Spring Mani of the Year!

Finally spring! And the super warm weather called for a springtime mani!

So, I used two colors here, Orly Ancient Jade (green) and Orly Frisky (blue). Over that I did a coat of Finger Paints Special Effects Twisted, and Seche Vite to top it off. On my right hand I have Ancient Jade on my pointer and pinky, and on my left hand I have it on my thumb and ring finger, just to switch it up lol

I wanted somethings bright but not super neon.  I was iffy about Twisted over it at first because I really liked it on its own, but then it grew on me. Kind of reminds me of Easter and speckled eggs. I think it's springy enough for me... now if the weather would only stay nice...

Until next time,
The Wicked

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