Friday, March 9, 2012

Wet n Wild Spoiled For CVS Trust Fund Baby!

The last of the Spoiled glitters that I got, there is one more but it is sold out everywhere! And I think I kind of need it haha

Macro of Trust Fund Baby.  This is a clear base with medium hexagonal blue, black and gold glitter and square pink/magenta glitter. Man, I love square glitter, cannot get enough of it. There really should be more square glitter in the world.

One coat of Trust Fund Baby over one coat of Sinful Colors Black on Black.

Two coats of Trust Fund Baby over one coat of Sinful Colors Black on Black. 

As you can see, this glitter is pretty sparse in one coat, but is decent in two. You do need to do the dabbing thing just like with the other two glitters. Formula is just like the others, kind of goopy and the brush is also uneven and pretty bad. 

I do like the colors, I don't have a glitter with these same colors. Pretty interesting combo.

Until next time,
The Wicked

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