Monday, March 26, 2012

It's A 10 Miracle Hair Mask Review!

Something a little different today, hair product!

This stuff is awesome! It's a leave in conditioner and I love it. It was recommended to me by my hair stylist, and I'm usually very iffy about buying product from salons because half the time they sell you over priced products that do not even work. But I love my hair guy and decided to give him the benefit of the doubt and I was not disappointed with price or quality!

Pretty traditional leave in conditioner, after you wash your hair and it is damp you put this stuff in it, cover it up with a shower cap and let it sit for 15-20 minutes then wash it out. It is amazing for dry ends (which I unfortunately tend to have). I use it once a week and it seriously re-hydrates your hair and makes it super silky and shiny.  

This tub is 8oz and is $30 in most drug stores. At first, I could not find it anywhere besides my salon, but now I see it everywhere! I get still get it at the salon because it's $24 there, so I suggest you check your salon first, but if they don't have it you can find it at CVS or Walgreens and other stores like that.

I highly suggest it, I've been using it about once a week for the past two months and it definitely helps the look and feel of your hair. So, if you have drier ends, or are looking for a deep conditioner, try this one for sure!

Until next time,
The Wicked

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