Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Nail Polish Haul!!

I've been buying a bunch of nail polishes recently, most of which were bought yesterday. So, I'm going to show you my haul!

Here we have the seven polishes that I've accumulated within the past few weeks. 

From Rite Aid:
Sally Hansen Rock Bottom
Chameleon Nucleus
The dumbbell shaped one (no brand or color name, but it's a color change polish)
Magnetique (no color name, but it's the blue one) 
Jesse's Girl Glee

Then I got OPI Just Spotted the Lizard at the mall, and like two weeks ago I ordered A England Saint George. I tested all of these, and actually wore Saint George for about a week, but of course, it's been super cloudy and I haven't been able to get a good picture. 

I also have two Deborah Lippmann polishes coming in the mail. So that will make nine polishes in all. I'm really excited about everything I've gotten because my major goal is to get polishes that I haven't tried yet. Out of all nine, there are seven brands that I have never tried and some I've never even heard of. 

It's supposed to be cloudy for the rest of the week, but hopefully the sun comes out so I can start swatching and do individual reviews on everything!

Until next time,
The Wicked

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