Saturday, June 18, 2011

Dante Brush Cleaner

I have done post on how to wash your brushes with shampoo and water, however when you are in a rush you need a quick way to clean them. When you wash them with soap and water then take a while to dry especially bigger brushes. And trust me you do not want to use a wet brush. If you do not have a big brush collection then you may need the same brush to use with another color. Therefore, you will need a brush cleaner, to clean your brushes quickly. 
I use Dante Brush Cleaner, this cleaner is amazing! This gets rid of any product on your brush and dries right away. You may get a small container and pour a bit of the cleaner in and then dip your brushes. But if you just want to clean one brush you may spray a bit of the cleanser on it. You will see the product come right off since the formula is clear. After cleaning it just wipe it with a tissue and wait a few seconds for it to dry. 
This brush cleaner is my favorite because it really cleans the brushes and does not damage them. It is also disinfects the brushes and gets rid of any bacteria they may have. If does not have any fragrance and does not irate the skin at all. Once your brush dries you can use it right away. 
When I searched for it online today , I only found one website that sells it. I had no idea it was that hard to find because I always buy it from the make-up school I went to. I will try to get more information as to where you can buy it. 

Until next time, 
The Wicked

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