Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Zoya Caitlin and Dove: Twisted French!

When I bought Edyta, I took advantage of the buy anything get Caitlin and Dove free. It was really an awesome offer, and even with shipping I saved $9. So these two are part of the Twisted French set and they are pretty cool.

First, the colors by themselves.

This is Dove, a light creme gray. This is two coats with no top coat, it was still kind of wet in the picture which is why it is so shiny. 

This is Caitlin, a lilac-y creme. Its not a bright purple, its more muted and dusty and I love it. This is two coats and again, no top coat.

Now for the Twisted french!

First and foremost, please excuse my cuticles. Secondly, I advise you to enlarge the picture by clicking on it because it looks kind of strange here. Anyway, when you apply the base color, you may need to do two coats because it can be a little sheer if you don't have enough polish on the brush. I like to do two coats just for good measure. It seems like the polish would be too sheer for french but do not judge a book by its cover! The coverage is so much better when applied over another color. But (of course a but) you do have to be careful of putting too much on the tip because it sets very quickly and becomes goopy if you add too much and move the polish around too much. 

Here I have 2 coats of the base color and then did the tips free hand. I just used my judgement on that. Its pretty much one coat for each tip, but if it looks too sheer or uneven, you can do another coat. Also, I added a coat (or 2 on some nails that smudged) of Seche Vite just to smooth everything out and to cover and smudges.

Overall, The formula on these is really good. A little waterier that Edyta but still good. The polish is less watery when you're doing the tips. Also, the coverage is very nice, enough polish on the brush will give you great full coverage. I really like these colors a lot and i love the combination of the two. I think its a really interesting way to look at french manicures. I've always been a fan of colored french so this was right up my ally. This mani took me a good amount of time and is now so close to my heart lol that I don't want to remove it!

I do have some tips when using this polish:

1. Do one hand at a time. First finish one hand before you start the other, then you will have less of a chance to smudge.

2. Make sure to do a top coat on all nails that are completely finished before moving on.

Until next time,
The Wicked

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