Sunday, June 5, 2011

Zoya Edyta!

Today I have on Zoya's Edyta from their Wicked collection. If you're a reality TV buff like I am, you'll notice that the whole collection is named after the ladies on Dancing With the Stars lol

It's a dark grey base jammed packed with goldy, bronze-ish shimmer. When you mix the grey and gold, you come out with this green kind of color. I really wasn't expecting it to be green but it's nice anyway. It's been cloudy here so I couldn't take a picture in the sunlight. The polish is so beautiful and interesting in the bottle and it might be similar in the sunlight, I'll just have to wait and see. 

The formula is amazing! Seriously only takes one coat to be opaque. Here I have one coat and a top coat. Probably one of the best formulas that I have come in contact with, definitely impressed.

Until next time,
The Wicked

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