Sunday, December 25, 2011

Top 6 Tips to Save Money on Buying Beauty Products

First, I'd like to wish everyone a very merry Christmas!! Also, a happy 6th day of Hanukkah!! We have a cool guest post today by Brenda Lyttle, so without further delay... here it is!
Top 6 Tips to Save Money on Buying Beauty Products

Who doesn’t want to look beautiful? But with the environment, food and age having taken a toll on your skin, you need beauty products not only to enhance your beauty but to also protect your skin. With prices of almost all beauty products touching the sky, it is understandable that you want to do some budgeting. Given below are 6 ways in which you can get branded beauty products without going overboard with the expense:

  1. Follow brands on social networking sites – The newest way to promote beauty a product is by writing about it on social networking sites like Twitter. If you follow these brands, you will come to know of contests, giveaways and other promos. You can then take advantage of these promotional tweets and get products.
  2. Signing up for Emails and newsletters – When you visit a company’s site, you are often asked to sign up for its newsletters. Most of you would ignore this as it clutters up your inbox and rightly so. But those who know better sign up because they know that this is a way by which get to know of discounts and other promotional offers. These special offers can be used to buy your favorite beauty products.
  3. Buy the bigger packet – When you buy a product, remember that a bigger packet of the same is better. You can save a lot of cash. This is especially true in case of hair products like shampoos et al. When you compare rates, you will notice that a bigger packet is cheaper than a one-ounce packet.
  4. Free Samples – When you are a regular at the beauty salon or at a cosmetics shop, you get to know the beauty artists. Always show your interest in the products by trying out new shades of makeup. Ask questions about the upcoming trends. When the artists see that you are interested, they may offer you free samples.
  5. Guinea Pig – Plastic surgeons need guinea pigs for demonstration to students. If you talk to the medical spa and agree to an audience of students who can watch you while you are being given treatment, then the spa will give you discounts on the procedure.
  6. Drugstore Products – Instead of always using big names when you buy cosmetics, you can try out drugstore makeup too. Sometimes, you hit the jackpot when you get a good deal on a product that is as good as a branded one.

Be aware and connect with cosmetic companies so that you can get good deals and save cash in the process.

Brenda Lyttle is a beauty expert and a freelance writer. She is a regular contributor for the site,  

Until next time,
The Wicked

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