Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year Nails!

Happy New Year's eve and an early Happy New Year to everyone! We had a little crisis for about two days where the blog got somehow deleted (I almost had a heart attack), but it's back now and his is my New Year's eve mani!

Crazy glitter explosion!
Two coats of China Glaze Tinsel Town, one coat of Forever 21 Silver (large and small holo glitter) over that and then one coat of Sally Hansen In the Spotlight (holo bar glitter) over that. Then of course trusty Seche Vite to smooth everything out.  Sorry this is a little blurry, but you can enlarge it to get the details of the various glitters I used. 

I really like the all the different shapes of holo glitter over the dark glitter and base of Tinsel Town. Definitely gives it more dimension and tons of added sparkle.

We, here at We are The Wicked, want to wish you guys a super awesome, fun and safe New Year! Hope you continue to follow us in 2012!!!

Until next time,
The Wicked

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