Saturday, December 10, 2011

MAC Liquid Eyeliner

MAC Liquid Eyeliner

The brush is very stiff and hard, which allows for a straight line. However, for starters I personally think it's a little hard to use because the brush is thick. It can be a bit challenging to do a thin line with this if you have no control. Also, it is very runny so for newbies it can be frustrating to use, but once you get the hang of it, it becomes very easy. 
I've noticed when people first start applying makeup they tend to put too much pressure on the brush or whatever other applicator they are working with. You really have to be gentle and loosen up your hand especially when applying eyeliner. 
When it comes to color, it is very black and dries really quickly which is great. 
Overall I really love everything about this eyeliner. It stays in place and doesn't rub or run during the day. I've been using the MAC Fluidline for over a year but I use to use this liquid liner before.  However, when I go out or want a more defined and darker liner I use the liquid. It lasts longer and the color is darker. Also, the liquid liner has a shiny finish while the Fluidline has an almost matte finsh. For some reason I perfer the matte finish and that's why I've been using the Fluidline.

Until nex time, 
The Wicked

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