Monday, April 30, 2012

Selena Gomez a 'Bad Girlfriend' ?

Selena Gomez is a "bad girlfriend." Okay, maybe not so bad that Justin Bieber is going to dump her, though he might think twice after hearing about Selena's gaffe.

It turns out that Selena was given a sniff-test and failed. What was it that she was supposed smell? It turns out that, unfortunately, Selena Gomez failed picking boyfriend Justin Bieber's perfume Someday out of a line-up of three bottles. You would think that Justin would have at least given Selena a tester of his fragrance to try, right?

"I'm such a bad girlfriend," exclaimed Gomez upon failing the sniff-test. Yeah, you are, Selena! Of course, you can't expect someone like Selena Gomez, who is busy selling her own, competing line of perfume to know what her boyfriend's scent smells like, can you?

 Then again, if she doesn't know the competition, it can't bode well for Selena's new scent. The question is, can Justin Bieber pick his girlfriend's smell out in blind sniff-test? Now that would be something.

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