Saturday, February 11, 2012

Selena Gomez honored by L.A. Children's Hospital

Selena Gomez received a very heartfelt thank you from the L.A. Children's Hospital recently. The thank you was based on a visit Selena made to a young progeria patient at the hospital.

According to a report from LA Late News, Selena visited Hana Hwang back in December. Hwang suffers from progeria—a disease that swiftly speeds along the aging process and causes the very young to literally die of old age.

Following the visit from the former Wizards of Waverly Place star and girlfriend of Justin Bieber, Hwang made a video to thank Selena, and the recognition her followers have brought to Hwang and the disease is phenomenal. More than 90,000 people have seen the video on YouTube. The hospital thought it's only proper to thank Selena Gomez for her kindness, the way Hwang did in the video.

Here are some excerpts from the video Hana Hwang made for Selena Gomez.
"To Selena's mother, Mandy, thank you for raising such a remarkable daughter.

"Selena, no matter what you go through in your life, if you have love and family, you're already a superstar. Never forget that you have made a difference to us and to the world."

You can see the video in its entirety by clicking here.

How wonderful that the Los Angeles Children's Hospital took the time to thank Selena Gomez for her efforts in visiting this young progeria patient, and for the awareness her celebrity status raised about the disease. Selena seemed genuinely moved by this young girl's suffering, and is no doubt happy to learn that her visit made that kind of difference in her life.

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