Monday, February 14, 2011

Best Dressed, Worst dressed, and Not Even Dressed...

It's that time of year again... where all the critics and fashionistas of the world judge the celebrities' dresses and outfits from the Grammy's! I stayed up to watch the entire five and a half hours of glamorous outfits and shocking award winners. Here are some of the dresses and what I thought!

Although I am not a big Glee fan, I absolutely love Naya's dress! The critics on Yahoo weren't exactly ecstatic, but there is something about the smoothness, flow, and shiny tint to this dress that I want to snatch it right off of her. Great choice!

Critics also weren't a fan of this dress, worn by Natasha Bedingfield... but I think the color and pattern are both beautiful, especially with the sweetheart neckline!

Good color, Selena. Gold = typical for Grammy's though. Metallics are my favorite, but this takes minimalism to a whole new level. Add a necklace, then we're talking.

This is my absolutely favorite dress of the night. I'm not very familiar with Nicole Kidman and her work, but this dress is absolutely stunning. The colors, the design, the fading, the mermaid silhouette. It's picture perfect.

Kimmy, oh Kimmy. I love the color on the bronze skin and her luscious locks, but this makes her look a little more... big boned than she is even close to being. Keep doing your thing though, girl. You've got plenty more award shows ahead of you.

Willow Smith... I know she's nine years old and all, but babe, by the time I was five years old I could dress myself better than that. And you're at the Grammy's! Enough said.

J-Lo, looking hot while showing off those legs, but the shortness of the dress is out there. If the dress was full length to the ground, it would be stunning!

Ciara simply looks like Wonder Woman. The blue triangular design most certainly does it. Other than that, I love this dress. I would have chosen either gold shoes to complement the jewelry, or white to complement the dress. White after Labor Day? Who gives!

Newly single Eva Longoria, absolutely gracious on the red carpet with this dress. Critics disagree, but I believe this look is flawless. Especially the slicked back hair. Beautiful!

Jennifer Hudson, in the best shape of her life, pulls off this cute dress... but if it wasn't for the neatly designed corseted bust, I wouldn't have ended up liking this dress.

Um... what ? That's all.

One question... why was Snooki at the Grammy's?

Katy frickin' Perry. I absolutely love the simple hair and the sheerness of the dress, but take away the wings and we have a winner here.

Critics believe that Monica's dress is too "dark" for this show, but I have always been a stickler for the broad shoulders look. Rock on, babe! 
Rihanna... as much as this dress just looks like garland off of a Christmas tree, I somehow am in love with it. Very unique.

I would have gotten Bieber Fever from this if it all the whites completely matched.

I love this dress on Miley... but I feel that it is more suitable for a high school Senior Prom.

Has Heidi ever once not looked glamorous? You would never know she has had multiple kids. Looking good, girl!

...what is this, Hay? At least pick a "tutu skirt thing" color that matches your hair.

& of course I had to save the "best" for last... or the NEST for last. This woman is beyond crazy.

Feel free to leave a comment to agree or disagree with my opinions. All pictures are credited to Yahoo! images.

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