Friday, February 4, 2011

Which Foundation is right for you?- Foundation 101

Choosing a foundation can be very challenging consider all the brands, shades, and types of foundations there are.

So when choosing a foundation there are a few components to be considered:

  • Coverage
  • Skin Type
  • Foundation Type
  • Foundation Finish
Which foundation coverage is best suited for me?

You must decide what kind of coverage you want or how much of your skin you want to cover. 
The different coverages are as follows:

  • Full coverage- this will give you a full and opaque coverage. You will be able to cover scars, dark spots, hyper-pigmentation, or discoloration. (many brands claim to be full coverage yet they really only have a medium coverage)
  • Medium Coverage- this is the most common and covers unevenness, light scars and discoloration. 
  • Light Coverage- will give a light coverage and will cover unevenness and slight spots. 
  • Sheer Coverage- this gives the least amount of coverage and will cover a slight unevenness, however it will not cover and spots or marks.( this is for women with almost perfect skin who want a more even skin tone)
What are the different foundation types?

  • Mineral Foundation- this is the latest type of foundation available. They mostly come as a loose powder and are suppose to be mineral based. 

  • Cream Foundation- this type of foundation thicker than the others and can be harder to use because it needs more blending. (most of them offer a full coverage)

  • Powder Foundation/ Pressed Powder- powder that is pressed which depending on the formula can be used wet or dry. 

  • Liquid Foundation- this is the most used and versatile. Liquid foundation is easy to blend and is offered in all different types of coverages, therefore they can be used on all skin types. 
  • Mousse Foundations- Becoming more popular in the market. This is easier to apply in thin layers so you will have more control. Mousse foundations are liquid but are air whipped making it smoother and lighter. 

What  foundation should I use for my skin type?

  • Normal Skin- if you have normal skin you can use any foundation you want unless you want a specific finish or other need
  • Oily Skin- those with oily skin are better off using foundations that are oil-free, or foundations that offer a matte finish. Powder or mineral foundations are great because they will help keep you skin less oily throughout the day. 
  • Dry Skin- people who have dry skin should use liquid or cream foundations that are oil-based because this will help hide any dry patches. By using powder or mineral your skin will look and feel dryer. 
  • Combination Skin- you may use oil- free or oil- based foundations, depends on which one fits your skin type. You can use a liquid foundation and then use a loose powder on the oily parts of your skin. 
  • Sensitive Skin- you may have the biggest problem when trying to find the right foundation because you also have to consider the ingredients in the foundation. However, powders may irritate your skin the least especially mineral powders because they have less ingredients.  

What are the different foundation finishes?
  • Dewy Finish- will leave your skin looking healthy and with a natural glow and sheen. This works well with dry skin because it will add glow to the skin. 

  • Matte Finish- will leave the skin with no shine, best for oily or combination skin. It will help control the oil from you skin. 

  • Satin/Natural Finish- this finish is in between a dewy and matte finish, providing the most natural result. It will work with all skin types. 

**Sometimes people get confused with oily vs dewy. A dewy finish is flattering, enhances, and adds glow to the skin. However, oily skin is not flattering and this is what you want to stay away from. 
Glowy Skin
Oily Skin (this is what you want to avoid)

You may also want to keep in mind that there are many different types of primers in the market today. A primer will help your foundation last longer and prepares the skin for an even and smooth application. Also, a primer is great for people with oily skin because it will control the shine.

Those with oily skin may also want to add powder on top of their liquid foundation, this will help a lot.  I know many people who have oily skin tend to break out and have acne scars therefore you may want to use a liquid or cream foundation and then powder. Or you can use a primer, liquid/cream foundation, then powder. I recommend liquid foundation instead of cream, cream may feel heavy and harder to use. 

Until next time,
The Wicked

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