Wednesday, February 9, 2011

So Many Black and Blues...

I know, I know, it's getting close to Valentine's day but it's not close enough to force me into a themed manicure! I'm much happier sticking to my lovely dark blues. As you all know I recently discovered the cute Wet n' Wilds and one of the colors I picked up was Nocturnal (another gothy color).

At the store it looked like a dark purpley color, kind of like OPI's Siberian Nights, but when I took it home I tested it and found that it was blue! Quite a shock for me, but I wasn't too upset. In the first picture I have on only 1 coat. A pretty thick coat, but still it's pretty impressive how opaqe is came out. And with a quick coat of Seche Vite, it dried really fast. But it was a little streaky for me so I added another coat, and that's what you see in the second picture. It's very dark.

It did look very similar to a Brucci polish I already had that's called Black and Blue. Andddddd I also took advantage of the e.l.f. Valentine's day sale and got a three pack of polishes for only $1.50! In the set (jewel tone trio) came another dark blue that also looked similar. So I thought I would compare the 3, unfortunately its much too dark to take a picture so I'll get back to that another day.

I also wanted to mention the Deborah Lippmann sale on I check it out yesterday and it has pairs of polishes for sale. Most are average but a few a really nice. Its $20 for 2 which sounds awesome until you add $10 for shipping. Then it turns into regular price. So I didn't get anything, but there's still time to check it out, the sale ends tonight at midnight!

Until next time,
The Wicked

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