Thursday, July 21, 2011

Nail Art: Cherry blossoms!

So after my minions I went on a nail art kick and I saw a picture of these cute cherry blossom nails, so I had to try it out.

The base is Orly Ancient Jade, two coats. Then I did the branches using a thin brush with Sinful Colors Black on Black. For the petals I used OPI Alpine Snow, and just made dots using a brush, a dotting tool would work but I forgot to look for one at the store. Then I used my unnamed Milani pink for the middle of the flower, and I just used a brush again to dot it on. I did prime each nail with a base coat before hand and then did a coat of Seche on top. 

When doing nail art in general, it is easier to do one hand completely and then the other hand. Also, it is best to do it stages, using one color at a time on each nail before moving on to the next color. 

I really liked how it came out, and I was pretty proud of myself for being able to do it with my left hand. It's all about practice! 

Until next time,
The Wicked

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