Saturday, July 23, 2011

Nail Art: Swirls!

I got tired of the cherry blossoms after about a week and I couldn't handle not peeling them. So after I got my peeling fix, this happened!

When I was around 11, I went somewhere with summer camp and the place had an awesome black wall with silver swirly things and I've always dreamed of recreating it on my walls, but never did. But it served as random inspiration for me,

First I did two coats of Sinful Colors Black on Black, and then I used Revlon Silver Dollar to do the swirls. For the swirls, I used these new nail art brushes that I bought. And as usual, I have a base coat and a top coat. Pretty self explanatory. I think I captured my inspiration and it looked pretty cool.

Until next time,
The Wicked

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