Thursday, January 5, 2012

elf studio bronzers- Updated review

So a while ago I did some swatches on the 3  elf bronzers, now here are my thoughts after using them:

Warm Bronzer
 Cool Bronzer
Golden Bronzer

First off, what I really like about these is that you can choose which of the 4 shades you want to use from each bronzer. This allows you have control on the color. However, the golden and the warm bronzers have shimmer in them, almost a frosty finish. If you use bronzers to contour your face then you shouldn't use ones with shimmer. The shimmer is only for your cheeks, unless you want to walk around with shimmer all over your face. 
The shimmer attracts light therefore, it serves more as a highlight not contour or bronzer. It also gives your skin a natural glow. Therefore, for me personally they will not work as bronzers because of the shimmer , however I will use them on my cheeks. I also use the lighter colors as highlight above my cheeks. 
However, the cool bronzer is matte, which is great. The four shades blend very nicely together to create a nice color. You can use is as a blush by using the pinker shades or as contour. If you have fair skin, this might me a little too dark for you, I even have to be a bit careful with it. Just remember it is easier to build the color, so don't put alot at once. 

Even though two of them have shimmer, I still am happy I bought them. They are really good for the price ($3), and I only paid $1.50 since elf had 50% off when I bought them. 

Until next time,
The Wicked

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