Sunday, January 15, 2012

Have soft skin even in the winter!

In the winter our skin tends to get dry because of the cold winds therefore, we must take a few steps to make sure it's still moisturized. 

During the winter you need to moisturize more than usual. So make sure to apply moisturizer in the day and in the night before you go to bed. If you were using a lightweight moisturizer because of the summer you might want to get one that is more creamy for now. Vitamin E and aloe are great for your skin, so try to get ones with those ingredients. I have a friend that adds small drops of Vitamin E to her moisturizer in the night and she always has great skin. 

Don't think you can skip the moisturizer if you have oily skin, it still needs moisture. If you have extremely oily skin then try a gel or oil free moisturizer. Moisturizer in an important step for everyone because it gives your skin an extra barrier, which helps protect it. 

I always take really hot showers especially in the winter, which tends to dry out your skin. So for your body use body washes or soaps that say they are moisturizing. Also try using bath oil, these work great!  If you don't want to buy a bath oil just use a few drops of baby oil when you are taking a bath. I usually take showers so I rub a little bit of oil right before I get out the shower, this really helps. Just be careful not to slip and do not apply any on your feet!

Once you get out the shower moisturize!

Don't forget your lips!

Your lips suffer just as bad from the cold, so take care of them. Apply lip balm before leaving your hous to protect them from the cold wind and also at night before going to bed. This will help your lips be softer and smoother in the morning. Also, when you are in the shower take a little cloth and gently exfoliate your lips, since they are wet all the dead skin comes right off. But do so gently!! This really helps, I always do this in the shower and my lips are always soft even in the winter. Just don't over do it because your lips will get irratated if you rub it hard. 

Until next time,
The Wicked

Stay warm!

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