Saturday, January 14, 2012

Some more fun with Finger Paints Special Effects Twisted!

Since Twisted is seriously my new favorite thing in the world, I've been playing around with is over different bases. Here are just a couple of things that I've tried.

I call this one Twisted Mayo! It's two coats of Twisted over one coat or Manglaze Mayo! I originally had it over OPI Alpine Snow, but I thought it needed a white with some shimmer behind it. It got a little wonky when I put Seche Over it tho. The Seche kind of settled into the flakes and wasn't smooth and any Mayo at the edges that didn't have Seche over it started to separate and was just strange. Also, as you can see the color flash wasn't so prevalent here because they base is so light, but you could definitely see it in the sun. In this picture, which you'll probably have to enlarge, the color flash looks more pastel, but that's just my camera, it was definitely brighter and not pastel in person. So overall, I think I actually like it better over Alpine Snow.

This is two coats of Twisted over one coat of nails inc Kensington. I chose Kensington because its a really nice dark teal that lends itself nicely to flakie polishes (obviously, since it's part of the Wyndham set). You can see how awesomeeeee two coats of Twisted really is. So many flakies, so awesome. 

Two coats of Twisted over one coat of Sinful Colors Black on Black. The lighting might be kind of weird on this one, sorry about that. 

This one is the same as above, but I wanted to show you the green/ yellow flash that happens when you tilt your nails. 

So there you go, those are all my Twisted experiments (hah) for now. I'll probably be putting this over everything for a while since I love it so much and if I come up with any cool combos I'll definitely share them with you all. 

Until next time,
The Wicked

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