Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Makeup tips to look great in pictures

Use a primer before applying anything
A primer smooths your skin and allows your foundation to glide on. It also helps control the oil in your skin, which does not look pretty in pictures because it attracts the light.

Choose the right shade for your concealer 
When choosing a concealer make sure it is not too dark or light for your skin tone. If it is too light it will show in the photo and if it is too dark you will have dark circles. Therefore, look for a concealer that is very close to your skin tone and apply it in a well lit room!!

Blush and Contour!
You want to look as if you have a healthy glow. Contouring your face will keep your face from looking flat and will also make your face appear slimmer. Countour your cheekbones, forehead (close to your hairline, especially your temples). Next apply a natural looking blush to apply a bit of color to your cheeks. If you want to look a but warmer or tanned then instead of a blush use a bronzer with some shimmer on your cheeks. 

Add some false eyelashes this will look great on camera because your eyelashes don't really show on camera. False eyelashes enhance your eye and make your eye appear larger. 

Some things to be aware of: 
The flash of a camera sometimes makes it seem as if you are not wearing any makeup. Therefore, add enough color so it will show on camera. Also, if you are taking a black and white photo make sure to wear a bit more of blush and contour because they won't show if they are really light. Black and white photography requires a bit more of color because some tones will barely show. Also really light colors will dissapear. 

Until next time, 
The Wicked 

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