Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Guest Post! Hair and Beauty Emergenies - Quick Fixes For The Party Season

We have another guest post for you guys today. Enjoy!

Hair and Beauty Emergenies - Quick Fixes For The Party Season

Thanks to busy schedules, taking care of looks may be the last thing that you do. But this season is all about Christmas parties and New Year bashes. If like the other times during the year, you only start to take notice of your appearance just before stepping out of the house for a party, then you surely need some quick fixes. Here’s a list of quick fixes for this year’s party season.

Smell Good: Just looking good is not enough. You also have to ensure that you smell good before heading for a party. Chances are that many times you would have forgotten to re-stock your supply of deodorants and as a result at the last moment are compelled to go to a party without wearing it. Remember that this may just negate your chances of meeting your Prince Charming at the party. So the quick fix is to rub a slice of lemon on your armpits or apply a paste of soda-bi carbonate. Your skin will soak up the acid present in the lemon slices and ensure that you sweat less and your sweat does not have an odor.

Baggy Eyes: Late night parties coupled with heavy drinking usually results in puffy and baggy eyes. No matter how much you may try, foundation and concealer will not be able to camouflage the puffiness under your eyes. The best way to counter attack baggy eyes is to place a cold and used tea bag on your eyelids and relax. This will help you to reduce the puffiness to quite an extent. After that, you can use a concealer and foundation to get rid of the remaining puffiness. Also, be sure to use a good wrinkle cream regularly for a few days in advance to have an impeccable skin.

Greasy hair: A bad hair day can simply crucify your partying plans. A quick fix for getting rid of greasy and limp hair and bringing some life into it is to sprinkle baby powder on the greasy hair shafts and using a dry towel after that. The powder soaks up the extra grease and oil on the hair. Using the towel after that ensures that the powder falls off your hair giving it a renewed life.

Split Ends – If your hair is damaged and you did not have time to visit a salon, then do not fret. Use this quick fix for split ends for beautiful hair tips. Apply olive oil on the split hair shafts so that the split ends are not visible.

The party fixes for the last moment work wonders especially with your busy schedule. But why wait till you have a party to try them out. Use them every day of your life and save some time.

Nancy Smith is a beauty expert and a work-at-home mom. Smith loves pursuing various creative endeavors and has been making different types of costumes lately. You can click the link to check out the classic costumes made by her.

Until next time,
The Wicked

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